URGENT ACTION REQUIRED - Act now to preserve Scarborough's voice in Parliament. Submit your comments and sign the online petition by October 29.
Dear Scarborough,
We ask you to join us in standing up for electoral fairness in Scarborough by signing a petition opposing the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario's proposal to cut Scarborough from six to five seats and Toronto from 25 to 24 seats.
These proposed changes affect all ridings in Scarborough. We'll have fewer representatives, and the Commission will incorporate most of Scarborough north of Eglinton and west of Warden into North York. Since the Province uses the federal boundaries to establish provincial and municipal boundaries, Scarborough loses three times.
Thank you to those who have already answered the call-to-action by sending written submissions to the Commission. It is not too late if you haven't submitted your comments yet; the Commission has extended the written submission deadline to October 29. Please let the Commission Secretary know what you think and how you feel about this at ON@redecoupage-federal-redistribution.ca.
Want to attend a virtual session? Further details are at: https://redecoupage.ca/com/on/phrg/index_e.aspx.
Are you having trouble thinking about what to say? This written submission may help you.
1. Scarborough should keep six ridings
2. The western border of Scarborough should remain along Victoria Park, from Lake Ontario to Steeles, as it has been since the inception of Scarborough
1. Scarborough is a distinctive community with integrated public services and neighbourhoods. The Commission shouldn't break it up.
2. Statistics Canada consistently undercounts Scarborough's population. Researchers estimate that this is an undercount of at least 50,000 residents. Census forms are less likely to be completed by: residents who are newcomers with English language limitations, those living in precarious housing, refugee claimants, international students and temporary foreign workers, especially during a pandemic.
3. We want to promote equity for our diverse communities.
4. Increased housing will increase Scarborough's population.
5. Local businesses have connections to our community.
6. The Commission's recommendations will reduce the representation of Scarborough at all three levels of government.
7. Fairness. Scarborough's (and Toronto's) population grows while other parts of Ontario and Canada that aren't increasing have their representation protected?
Please sign the petition at https://www.change.org/ScarbRidings by October 29 and pass it along to your friends, family and neighbours if you agree. Please act now to protect Scarborough!